69. Nearing the assignment 3 finish line (Day 65)

69. Nearing the assignment 3 finish line (Day 65)

Today, I received my Assignment 2 marks - 94%! I am happy. I lost marks on the written theoretical component - I think I wasn't detailed enough. Lessons learned!

Hope my assignment 3 (due Sunday) fares well also. I am mentally preparing to put in everything over the next 3.5 days - hard work, fewer distractions, and marathon sessions at the coding desk! If I can submit the assignment on Sunday morning, that will be a great result.

My remaining work on the assignment is as follows:

  1. Clean up code

  2. Make some final GitHub commits

  3. Commence Powerpoint presentation

  4. Commence video presentation

  5. Clean up the Readme file

Doesn't look like a lot of work but trust me it can easily end up being one!